Crottin Salad with Grilled Paglierino Recipe

Crottin Salad with Grilled Paglierina Recipe

Crottin Salad, adopted from French culinary, refers to a dish that has baked Crottin de Chavignol on green salad. In this recipe, we are going to add a modern Italian twist to it with our Paglierina! This recipe is perfect for a romantic brunch, a quick and easy vegetarian dinner or for when you would like…

Parsley pesto with primo sale recipe

Parsley Pesto with Primo Sale Recipe

Primo Sale is made from slightly pressed curds, which create a soft texture that makes it easy to be a topping on any slice of toast, bread or bagel.  This recipe makes a perfect quick breakfast or dress it up as an appetizer and you can wow anyone at your next dinner party. For this…